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8 Tricks for when your dog doesn't want to eat food

Sometimes people who come to the store tell us that they need new food because the dog doesn't want to eat the one they have. However, the taste of the food is not always the reason why the dog does not want to eat it.

If your dog has suddenly stopped eating food, it is normal for you to be worried. Many times dog owners add a little wet food to the feed to get the dog to eat it.

Of course, it is an effective way to convince him, but it may not be the most advisable. In fact, adding wet food to the feed reinforces negative behavior. There are even times when the dog will eat the pieces that come from the can and continue leaving the croquettes.

But do not worry. We have other remedies for this behavior!

There may be several reasons why your furry friend refuses to eat, but they all have a solution.

If you want to know what to do to get your dog to eat feed again, in this article we present eight tricks to achieve it.

Has your dog stopped eating dry food or is he rejecting his new dry food?

You have to distinguish if your dog does not eat the food he did eat before, or if he does not want a new food (you have changed the food from another diet, or you have changed the brand you used to use).

In the first case, it has to do with negative behavior. For some reason, your furry friend refuses dog food. We will talk about this later.

However, if your dog does not want to eat new food. It is most likely because he is not used to his new food.

In this case you should introduce the new croquettes gradually, mixing them with the previous diet (be it feed, homemade food, barf).

The progressive change in diet helps the dog get used to the new food and is more beneficial for its digestive system.

My dog ​​only eats if I put it in his mouth.

If your dog only wants to eat if you hand him food, it may be a behavior that you have developed in him involuntarily.

If you train your pet by giving it treats, the dog associates the act of eating from your hand with something very positive, it is a reward. So, accustomed to this type of positive treatment, you may no longer want to eat any other way.

Solution: If you think this is your case, try to hand-feed him as little as possible and try to change positive reinforcement from treats to petting.

You can also use the dog training clicker . If you want to continue giving him treats, leave them on the floor in front of him instead of giving them directly from your hand. Over time he will stop waiting for food from your hand and will return to the habit of feeding from the feeder.

My dog ​​doesn't eat in summer

If your dog does not want to eat his food or has less appetite in hot weather, it is totally normal. In this post we give you some ideas for when your dog doesn't want to eat in summer .

In summer calorie needs are lower. The body does not need energy to heat itself, so energy consumption is reduced. Furthermore, as it also happens to us humans, in summer we eat more lightly.

However, if your dog has stopped eating dry food completely, see the guidelines below.

Important note: in summer it is essential that your dog always has access to fresh water and can be in the shade.

Why doesn't the dog want to eat food? Possible causes

1. He is used to human food

If, in addition to the feed, you give your dog homemade food (or share your food with him), this is probably what he likes more than the feed.

The food we prepare for ourselves contains salt, which enhances its flavor, but at the same time it is not good for the kidneys.

Keep in mind that by giving the dog other foods that are not dry food, it is difficult to calculate the daily dose of food it needs. Maybe with a small portion of rice and chicken, your dog's caloric needs are covered (especially in small dogs) and therefore he does not want to eat his food: he fills up with what you give him separately.

2. You don't like the feed or it is not nutritious

Dogs also have their tastes, although it is rare that the dog does not eat its food just because it does not like the taste. Most dogs are gluttons and by nature eat everything they can.

What does influence a lot is the quality of the feed . For example, when the majority of its ingredients are cereals, the feed is not very nutritious and therefore does not cover your dog's nutritional needs. If you want to know how to choose a nutritious and quality feed , you just have to read our post.

3. Sudden change in diet

As we have already mentioned before, the dog may reject new food because it is not used to the new taste.

The diet change should be done gradually to give the dog time to become familiar with the new food. The same thing happens if you change the brand of feed for a different one.

Additionally, a sudden change can cause discomfort in your pet's digestive system causing diarrhea and discomfort.

4. Excess food

If you keep his bowl always full, you don't have much control over what your dog is eating. Maybe he eats at night, or when you're not home.

In this case it is not that the dog does not want to eat, but rather that its needs are covered by eating a smaller amount than what you give it.

It's okay if your dog doesn't eat for a day. In fact, some experts advise fasting the dog from time to time for its health (Diario El Confidencial).

5. Your dog may have a health problem

If none of the above seem to be the case for you, your dog may be sick.

There are several diseases for which the dog does not want to eat. From intestinal parasites, teeth and gum problems or even depression. A sick animal loses its appetite .

If you think your dog may be suffering from an illness, do not delay in taking him to the vet.

What should I do if my dog ​​doesn't want to eat food? 8 Solutions

Below we present a series of tricks that will make your dog eat his food again.

These solutions are easy and do not require special resources. If you want to know what to do when your dog doesn't want to eat his food, here are the remedies:

1. Choose a quality dog ​​food

If feed is the only food you want your dog to eat, choose one that provides maximum nutrients and microelements.

The most recommended feeds have a high percentage of animal protein and are enriched with chondroprotectives and probiotics.

In our store you can find a wide selection of grain-free dog food and high-quality natural dog snacks that your dog will surely love and feel great about.

2. Set a meal time

Dogs like routine.

Therefore, if you establish, for example, two times during the day in which you fill the feeder with feed, it will know that this is the time to eat and get satisfied.

After a while, the dog himself will know mealtime better than you do. Really!

When they get used to a set schedule, dogs develop a kind of “internal clock” (National Geographic), so they know exactly when to feed.

3. Remove his feeder after eating

Whether he has eaten or not, remove the bowl if you see that the dog is not interested in food.

After an hour, put it back on for a while, and repeat this procedure each time at lunch time. This way your dog will learn that he has to eat at the defined times and you will have more control over the amount of food he consumes.

4. Avoid giving human food

If your dog is used to eating the same thing you eat, it is not at all strange that he does not want to eat his food.

Human food has more salt and often other ingredients that are not recommended for our pets.

Avoid sharing your dishes with him; In this way, he will understand that the feed is what he has to eat.

5. Make the diet change gradually

If your dog does not want to eat because you are changing his diet or changing from one food to another, it is advisable to do it little by little.

The change should last at least 7 days, adding an increasing proportion of the new food to the old, for example, starting the food change on Monday:

Monday and Tuesday: 75% old food, 25% new food.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 50% old food, 50% new
Saturday and Sunday: 25% of the previous food and 75% of the new
following Monday: 100% new food.

This trick will not only help your dog get used to the new food, but it will also prevent digestive discomfort such as diarrhea, which is very common if the dog suffers a sudden change in diet.

6. Respect the indicated portion

Each feed has a different caloric value, so it is important to look at the dosage indicated for each weight in the bag. The table shows the amounts that the dog should eat PER DAY, according to its weight.

Remember, it is the daily dose, that is, if your dog eats twice a day, you must divide it into two parts. A trick to be able to measure the quantity without problem is to make a mark on the measuring cup.

7. Stimulates your sense of smell

Smell is the most developed sense in canines and plays a fundamental role when eating.

If you stimulate your dog's sense of smell by hiding the food croquettes at home or in an olfactory mat, you will awaken his predator instinct and the desire to eat will come on its own.

8. Give a special touch to your feed

If you moisten the food with hot water, you will enhance its flavor through the temperature, so that it will seem more appetizing to your pet.

If you do the same, but instead of water you add a little broth (without salt!), you will take their taste buds to another level.

We recommend that you do this only from time to time to avoid generating a rejection effect on the feed alone.

If your dog does not want to eat the food you give him using our tricks, it could be a sign of an illness. It is best to go to a consultation with the professional who will indicate the next steps so that your dog can eat again and enjoy his life.

Always remember that you cannot punish your pet for doing so. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer them. Until next time =D