¿Conoces la importancia de la limpieza de dientes en perros?

Do you know the importance of cleaning teeth in dogs?

Your dog's dental hygiene is crucial to his overall health. Good brushing and proper nutrition can prevent dental and heart diseases. Some products and supplements such as Ascophyllum Nodosum algae can improve dental cleanliness and eliminate bad breath.

Have you ever complained about your dog's bad breath? If the answer is yes, then you should worry about your dental hygiene. Keeping your dog's teeth clean will not only improve his breath and the condition of his gums. It can also prevent kidney, liver or heart diseases.

Proper dental cleaning for your dog can have more benefits than you imagine.

What dental problems can my dog ​​have?

  • Bad breath: the main cause of unpleasant odor is usually caused by bacteria. They settle under the gums and are more common in medium or small dogs. Halitosis in dogs is due to poor oral hygiene and poor eating habits.

  • Tartar accumulation: if an adequate diet and a correct dental cleaning routine are not carried out in dogs, the accumulation of bacteria will form plaques that can lead to infections and diseases such as gingivitis (protruding, inflamed and infected gums as a result of the accumulated tartar).
  • Tooth loss: when plaque problems are not treated adequately, the infection can reach the root of the tooth, causing periodontal diseases that can cause the loss of the affected teeth. If the condition is advanced, it is advisable to have a dog's teeth cleaned at a specialized site.

A high percentage of furry dogs have dental problems, especially if they are elderly. Sometimes these problems can cause tooth loss.

How to improve my dog's dental cleaning?

So that your dog has adequate dental hygiene and its health is not compromised, you can take several measures that will help you a lot:

A good tooth brushing routine:

So that your friend does not reject brushing, it is best to start this routine as soon as possible. If from a puppy you make brushing part of the play and affection routine, he will take the act of teeth cleaning as something normal. It should be done once a week or every 10 days and it is very important to be constant and maintain the brushing routine.

How do I brush his teeth?

At first, a brush without paste or even your finger can be used until the dog accepts the routine.

The bristles of the brush should be soft and with rounded ends, with a head according to the size of the dog. It is very important not to use toothpaste for humans since its components are toxic to furry animals. There are specific toothpastes for dogs or we can also use coconut oil as it is a fantastic natural antiseptic. To brush, simply massage the gums correctly without applying much pressure and covering all areas of the mouth.

There are also dental cleaning kits available for dogs that include the toothbrush and toothpaste.

The following video shows the steps to properly clean your dog's teeth:

Foods that contribute to dental cleaning:

Eating a dry food diet (feed) actively contributes to improving your dog's dental health. When chewing the feed, rubbing the croquettes with the teeth helps prevent the formation of bacterial plaque and tartar. Although a dry diet should always be complemented with good oral hygiene habits.

There are also snacks that actively contribute to dental cleaning, such as Pedigree Dentastix or pressed natural skin bones . These bites can be used to help massage the gums and clean tartar, promoting proper dental cleaning in your dog.

Another food supplement that is very interesting to contribute to the dental hygiene of pets is the algae Ascophyllum Nodosum. A small dose is added to our pet's (dog or cat) food and serves to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque, avoid the fixation of tartar on the teeth and eliminate bad breath.

How does Ascophyllum Nodosum algae work on your pet?

The algae is ingested with food and absorbed through your digestive system. This produces a change in the pH of the saliva that helps prevent the formation of tartar and plaque on your furry dog's gums. You can find this algae in our store with Plaque Off for dogs and cats . With just a small daily dose you will notice how your pet's oral hygiene improves.

In addition to these delicious functional snacks, we can find toys that are very useful for cleaning dogs' mouths . They are those made of natural rubber or resin that have small tips. While the dog plays by biting the toy, these tips massage and clean the dog's teeth, preventing the build-up of tartar and plaque formation. So that your friend does not reject brushing, it is best to start this routine as soon as possible. If from a puppy you make brushing part of the play and affection routine, he will take the act of teeth cleaning as something normal. It should be done once a week or every 10 days and it is very important to be constant and maintain the brushing routine.

As we have seen, a good dental cleaning of your dog can help you prevent numerous problems. Oral hygiene is very important and with a few small gestures it is possible for your teeth to remain healthy and strong for longer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through any of the following means =)