ansiedad por separacion en perros

How to solve separation anxiety in dogs?

Separation anxiety in dogs is a negative emotional state characterized by nervousness, restlessness and insecurity. Dogs that suffer from it have a very difficult time when they are left alone at home.

As a result of the pandemic and teleworking, many dogs have become accustomed to being accompanied most of the time . With the return to normality and in-person work, we are forced to leave our friends at home.

Faced with this new situation, it is possible that your dog suffers from separation stress.

This problem will not only affect your relationship with your pet, but it can also have negative consequences on its health.

If unfortunately your pet suffers from this problem , you must be understanding and patient . In this post we will give you some tips to solve anxiety in dogs and it will surely improve.

What symptoms does separation anxiety have in dogs?

Normally this problem is caused by an excess of dependency between the dog and its owner , although it can also be a consequence of a drastic change in our furry's routine .

Like all disorders, hyperattachment or hyperbonding in dogs has a series of symptoms that can help us identify it.

1.- Destructive behaviors:

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you may have found a destroyed cushion more than once when you returned from work. Or that they have scratched, chewed or destroyed any furniture or other object.

This behavior is a way for the dog to express its emotional state , releasing the tension caused by its feeling of loneliness.

2.- Do your needs inside the house:

It is not always a symptom of separation stress, it can also be an issue of territory marking. However, if it appears together with other symptoms such as destructive tendencies or crying, it is very likely that your dog has an anxiety disorder.

3.- Barking, meowing and crying:

If your dog cries when left alone , it is a clear indication of hyperattachment. It is possible that we do not notice these cries or meows since they can begin when we are no longer at home.

It is the most common symptom of separation anxiety in adults and puppies. The barking or meowing caused by this disorder can be prolonged over time and be very annoying to neighbors.

If your dog suffers from this disorder, you may need the help of a professional trainer to help you correct it. However, we teach you some tricks that can help you with your dog's stress .

How to get rid of separation anxiety in a dog?

Not all disorders have the same origin and therefore do not have the same solution. However, we give you some tips that you can put into practice to reduce your dog's anxiety when you leave home .

1.- Ignore it:

Before you leave the house and when you return, avoid having very effusive behavior with him. If you say goodbye in a very affectionate way, your dog will associate that behavior with the fact that he is going to be left alone and the suffering will begin before you leave the house.

Exaggerated farewells and greetings can cause anxiety and have a negative effect. In general, you have to try to normalize the situation to prevent the dog from associating it with the fact that he is going to spend a lot of time alone.

This point is probably the most complicated of all, but you must make an effort to achieve it .

2.- Tire him out:

If possible, try to tire the dog out before leaving him alone. You can take slightly longer walks , increasing the pace or play with him for a while. This way you will consume more energy and stay calmer and more relaxed.

3.- Distract him:

Physical and mental stimulation reduces stress and anxiety levels . You can leave him his toy full of treats, or his favorite bone before you leave. This way, he'll be busy and distracted when it's time to leave.

4.- Pheromonotherapy:

Appeasing pheromones calm and provide a feeling of security . They reduce stress levels and help the dog be calmer.

You can use adaptil calm pheromones that come with a diffuser that spreads them throughout the room.

5.- Avoid punishments:

When you get home and find that your furry friend has destroyed something, or has relieved himself in the middle of the living room, avoid punishing him.

He will not understand why you are punishing him and it may cause additional stress that makes the situation worse.

In dogs, calls for attention should be immediate. If not, the dog will not associate the attention call with the real cause.

6.- Professional Help:

It is probably the best way to solve the problem. A dog trainer will know how to properly diagnose your dog and will give you guidelines to correct anxiety and modify its behavior.

The problem of stress or separation anxiety in dogs is more common than we can imagine .

However, with a little effort and following our advice you can help your dog overcome it and considerably reduce his fear of being left alone.

If you have any questions about the subject, do not hesitate to contact us through our social networks or by sending us a WhatsApp . We will be happy to help you =D

See you in the next post!