collares de adiestramiento para perros

What is dog training collar?

Surely you have ever heard that training collars are bad for your dog because they hurt him, in some places they even call them “punishment collars.”

In this article we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of training collars, as well as the appropriate use to achieve the results we are looking for.

In addition to these four basic types of training collars, there is the common collar that is recommended to start using from 2 or 3 months of age (at first permanently so that they get used to its use).

Choke or choke collar

One of the most common on the market and also one of the most controversial. Its function is to generate pressure around the neck and release it in a quick gesture and is used to mark a behavior that we want to modify.

Its main risk is excess compression in the neck. A few years ago, practically only necklaces made of chain were found, but today there are many designs made of rope and other materials such as nylon or leather. In addition, the new models have a travel limit to avoid excessive pressure on the neck and protect the dog. Although it is true that excessive and improperly used pressure can compromise our friend's health, if used appropriately it can be very effective. That is why it is very important to know all the details of its proper use and know when to use it and when it is better to look for other options.


  • Provides even pressure around the neck and protects the trachea of ​​the neck more
  • The stimulus is very direct, achieving good results in training
  • Little force is used to get attention


  • In many models you have to change the size as they grow
  • Improper use can cause serious damage, especially models with “spikes”.

Electric shock, vibration or sound collar

It is the only collar that works remotely. They emit a stimulus from a small electrical discharge whose intensity can be regulated. There are models that, in addition to having the electric shock version, can be changed by vibration or sound and some even have an integrated GPS. In all cases it is possible to regulate the intensity of the stimulus depending on the character and sensitivity of the dog, so it is highly recommended to consult a trainer if you want to use this type of collars.


  • Works remotely
  • You can regulate the intensity and impulse (electric, vibration or sound)
  • In models with GPS it is possible to locate the dog at all times


  • You don't have as much interaction with the dog and it becomes a more “cold” training.
  • If the dog's sensitivity is not measured well, it can have negative effects on training.
  • Generates stress and anxiety in our furry friends

Anti-pull head collar or muzzle

It is also known as an anti-pull muzzle, it holds the head by the snout, allowing the animal to pant. It is very useful as reinforcement when the dog does not respond to other stimuli such as the choke collar, which we will talk about below.

It is recommended to always use it accompanied by a second option, especially if the dog still pulls a lot, to protect him and take care of him from a neck injury.


  • It is one of the most direct stimuli for the most difficult cases to correct.
  • Allows complete mobility of the muzzle at all times


  • It must always be carried accompanied by a second option for training
  • It has a high risk of hurting our friend, especially if it pulls a lot and we use it without a second option

This article is not intended to make a moral judgment or any other judgment about dog training collars and their use. It is intended to share the different collar options, as well as their general advantages and disadvantages.

It is appropriate to clarify that there is more and more activity, as well as results in the group that opposes its use and above all promotes positive training that consists of encouraging and “rewarding” the behaviors we seek instead of physical and psychological punishments.

On the other hand, there are trainers who consider some of these collars useful as long as they are used correctly and in moderation. They can even be included in the positive training methodology .