logo protectora villa pepa

Protector Villa Pepa

Villa Pepa is a non-profit association in charge of giving abandoned animals a second chance. He has been collecting and housing animals in his home for more than 10 years to find them a family that truly loves them.

What is the Villa Pepa Protectora?

As we have already mentioned, Villa Pepa is a non-profit association that is dedicated to giving a second chance to those animals that are not lucky enough to be in a family that gives them the love and affection they need.

It all started more than 10 years ago when its founder Pepa Gracia set out to help all the abandoned animals she found, taking them into her home and looking for families who wanted to give them a second chance.

At first he barely had the support of his family, covering all the financial expenses of the food and veterinary care they might need.

In all this time, Pepa and her large family have rescued and fostered more than 700 animals.

How can I help the protective Villa Pepa?

There are several ways to contribute our grain of sand to the shelter and not all of them involve having to make a financial outlay. In cases like this, all help is welcome and very necessary to be able to continue with your solidarity work.

Non-financial aid:

If for whatever reason you cannot provide financial help, don't worry, you still have many options to collaborate with the shelter:

  • Dissemination on social networks: it is very important to give visibility to associations such as the Villa Pepa protector, either to raise funds or to help give any animal a second chance. On Villa Pepa's Instagram they share their initiatives, events and photos of the animals looking for families.
  • Become a volunteer: the shelter is made up of a wonderful human team of volunteers who help each other with the organization of events, collecting donations, transporting animals... They will be happy to have you! If you are interested, you just have to fill out this form .
  • Become a foster home: rescued animals need a temporary home until the shelter can find them a new family. If you would like to be a foster home you should contact them. You can do it through this form .

Financial aid:

With a small gesture you can help a lot. Here you can find all the details to help the protective Villa Pepa economically:

  • Become a member: you can be a member of the shelter with a small fee from €6/month.
  • Sponsor a dog or cat: you will be helping to pay the expenses (veterinarian, food...) of a specific animal from €10/month.
  • Make a donation: the amount you can in your Banco Santander account ES50 0049-2737-37-2114071263
  • Be part of teaming: join their group of teamers from only €1 per month.

From Paraíso Mascota we want to contribute our grain of sand and offer a 5% discount coupon in our store with the code PEPA5. Additionally, with every order that uses that code, 4% will be donated directly to the shelter.

Where is the protector?

The protective Villa Pepa is located in Tiemblo, a town in Ávila very close to San Martín de Valdeiglesias. But both its events and the delivery of adoptions take place in Madrid.

If you want to be aware of their charity events and food collection campaigns, we leave you here their website and social networks.

Remember that all help is welcome and important.

We hope you liked the work of our friends at Villa Pepa and that you contribute your grain of sand as much as possible.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer them. Until next time =D